Posts tagged mental health awareness month
Mental Health Moments: What We Learned During Our Mental Health Week

During the week of May 24-May 28, Hourglass Media observed its inaugural Mental Health Week. This week’s intention was to take a much-needed hiatus from client work and everyday work life #behindthehourglass. While we love what we do, we wanted to practice what we preach and make our mental health a priority during this week. Both of us wanted to give our takes on the week and what we learned about ourselves -- and our mental health -- during our Mental Health Week.

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Mental Health Moments: Five Ways To Focus on Mental Health This May

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. As anyone who knows even a small glimmer about our work knows, mental health is one of our main passions and causes. In addition to introducing mental-health habits in the workplace, we also want to give you some tools to use both personally and professionally. Here are five ways you can bring your mental health to the forefront this month.

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Mental Health Moments: Five Simple Ways To Boost Your Mental Health

As many of you know, mental health is one of my most coveted personal and professional journeys. It’s a vital part of who I am and who I will continue to be as I grow into more of who I am meant to be as a persona and professional. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and while mental health is important 24/7/365, we pause during this month to take a deeper look into illnesses plaguing one in five adults in the United States. These tips will help you, no matter what you are experiencing in your life currently.

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Mental Health Moments: How To Be An Essentialist

I recently began listening to the book, Essentialism by Greg McKeown, on a work business trip. (Yes, I do personal and professional development while I am even in the car.) As someone with an often-cluttered mind, I always want to streamline processes and be productive, even when I don’t feel motivated. At its core, essentialism means “a belief that things have a set of characteristics which make them what they are, and that the task of science and philosophy is their discovery and expression; the doctrine that essence is prior to existence.” Author Greg McKeown begs the question that I posed at the beginning of the blog post -- what if you focused on what you could do less of but better?

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Mental Health Moments: An Open Letter To The Little Girl Version Of Me

A couple of weeks ago, I listened to the 15th episode of the “You’re Welcome With Hilary Rushford” podcast. While I usually listen to this podcast to give me that extra pep in my CEO step, she discussed one of the core areas of my being: perfectionism. The anxious me has a name, and it’s Kaylin. It’s no one but the little girl version of me. And all she needs is a little self-love. So, here is my open letter to the anxious little girl who didn’t know how amazing she was and would grow up to be.

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Mental Health Moments: Conquering Your Fears

Anxiety makes fear a prevalent occurrence in my life. My mind plays tricks on me and allows fears to pervade my thought processes — even when I know fully well that my thoughts are more on the illogical side. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I allowed fear to shape my destiny. How do I combat fear in my life? I do not claim to have all of the answers, and I still deal with fears on a daily basis; however, here are four consistent ways to keep fear at bay.

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Mental Health Moments: Three Natural Ways to Reduce Your Anxiety

Articles across the Internet claim to have the best nature remedies or cures for anxiety. If you just do A, then B will happen. If that doesn’t work, try C to achieve D. The cycle spins on its head without a remedy if you’re not careful. While I do not have all of the answers, I will say this: I have had anxiety since my childhood, so I know what works for me and what doesn’t. Here are three natural ways to help me ease anxiety before, during and after it strikes.

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Mental Health Moments: How To Cope With Travel Anxiety

I thoroughly enjoy traveling. I’ve been blessed to travel to beautiful locations around the world, from my favorite city away from home, Paris, to my first tropical trip to Turks and Caicos on my honeymoon. While traveling nurtures my adventurous spirit, it also elevates my anxious tendencies. Over time, I’ve learned to allow the anxiety to happen. After all, panic attacks do not last forever. If I just let one happen when it arises, then it will be over in 30 minutes or so. Of course, those with anxiety know this: sometimes, you don’t have the luxury to have a panic attack. You have to get through the action before you can decompress and allow anxiety (and relief!) take over. When you’re in a safe space, you can cope however you want.

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Mental Health Moments: The Birth of My Perfectionism

Every other Tuesday each month, we will focus on #MentalHealthMoments. We’ll explain what mental health means to us, ways to deal with certain types of anxieties and more. Keep in mind that what works for me and other contributors may not work for you. The wonderful thing about life is that we are all wonderfully unique. As a company, we are here to fight mental health stigma. As a person, I’m here to share my story to help others. As a “Recovering Perfectionist,” this is my story. So, in this introductory post, here’s the story I wrote to introduce the Birth of My Perfectionism.

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Five Ways to Better Cope With Anxiety

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all remedy for anxiety and other mental health issues. What works for me may not work for you and others. My one hope is that you can glean some sort of working ratio to balance your own life and anxiety. Here are five ways I have managed my anxiety over the last six months.

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The Positive Sides of My Anxiety

This May (and National Mental Health Awareness Month), I finally began telling my authentic story with anxiety and my love/hate relationship with it. All of who have a mental health disorder know the downsides to it. I’ve focused on the negative in order to know where my behaviors and belief systems were born inside my brain. Now, it’s time to acknowledge and celebrate the gifts my anxiety has given me in my almost 30 years on this earth.

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