Posts tagged work
Recalibrating your personal and professional goals for the new year

While I do not have recalibration figured out in its most cohesive form, it is the major theme of 2022. Whether you have a “Word of the Year” or not, it can be helpful to think about your work or an overall feeling you would like to achieve this year. What are some ways you can incorporate recalibration into your everyday life?

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Work Quirks I Have Learned To Accept

I try to focus on positive stories and life lessons (both positive and negative), but I wanted to give you more of an inside glimpse on what I do work-wise that may not fit into a “normal” routine. There is give and take with everything, and here are some work quirks I have learned to accept over time.

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Maintaining Healthy and Productive Work Habits -- Even When You Don’t Have The Energy

Here at Hourglass Media, we love feeling productive. We’re at our best when we’re juggling many projects on limited stress and an ultimate caffeine-filled beverage. What happens on those days when we just don’t have it, though? How can you establish healthy and productive work habits on a consistent basis -- no matter your mood? Here are five ways we use #behindthehourglass.

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Establishing Hygge Atmospheres At Home and Work

Everyone wants to find the Holy Grail of Happiness. It comes in the form of hygge, pronounced (hoo-ga), a Danish custom of relaxation. It focuses on sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. You want to focus on experiences at the present moment, rather than fixate on things in the past and future (unless you’re drumming up some nostalgia, which is incredibly hygge-like).

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