Posts tagged kaylin staten apr
Essay: It's Time for a New Beginning

I didn’t anticipate saying goodbye to my company as I have known it for seven-and-a-half years. I had been flirting with the idea of making a drastic change for a while, but I couldn’t jump off the ledge into the deep, unknown waters – the waters that gave way for me to begin my company in the first place. Here I am, sipping cold coffee at a mid-century modern desk with accolades, hourglasses, and clutter surrounding me. I have to wonder, “Where did I go wrong?” The answer is that I didn’t go wrong. I am just evolving, as most healthy, self-informed humans tend to do.

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What Hourglass Media Will Look Like Going Forward

I recently turned 34, and there is something about birthdays that invites moments of reflection – at least for me. I spent much of this year, and April onward in blog posts, mulling over what I want my career to look like. I’ve done a lot of work I have truly loved, with clients and partners that continue to do life-changing work in their spaces. However, you know when a change is afoot, and that change happened for me when my son was born.

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Continued Musings During My Year of Recalibration

My word of the year is “recalibration,” and I have been doing just that. If you remember the GPSes of yesteryear, you’ll remember that the AI voice always said, “recalculating” if you took another route. I’m currently on that other route. Here are some musings from this month that will carry over into Q3 and Q4:

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