Posts tagged empowerment
My Five Must-Have Items In My #DFSPowerPiece Collection

What makes you feel the most confident in your skin? Which item makes a statement and is undoubtedly you? What is one thing you cannot live without? It could be a favorite piece of jewelry, blouse, color or whatever floats your boat. When you put on this item, your mood could shift for the better. You could feel more confident and ready to tackle any challenge the day throws your way.

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Mental Health Moments: Cultivating Your Own Daily Doses of Self Empowerment

I experiment with ways I can empower myself. It could be something minor, like enacting an innovative productivity hack or major or overhauling an entire line of nonconstructive thinking. Whether you have writer’s block, feel overwhelmed or just plain don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning, it could be a challenge to feel empowered. In stressful and relaxing times, here are some ways to obtain your daily doses of empowerment.

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