Mental Health Moments: Cultivating Your Own Daily Doses of Self Empowerment

⌛ By Kaylin R. Staten 

All of us experience ruts in our normal routines from time to time. Personally, if I go too long without a break, I tend to become overwhelmed, cranky and a much more tired version of myself. It’s during these times in which I need an extra boost of positivity with my morning coffee.

How do I do that? I experiment with ways I can empower myself. It could be something minor, like enacting an innovative productivity hack or major or overhauling an entire line of nonconstructive thinking.   

Whether you have writer’s block, feel overwhelmed or just plain don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning, it could be a challenge to feel empowered. In stressful and relaxing times, here are some ways to obtain your daily doses of empowerment:

Positive Self-Talk

This may or may not come naturally to you; however, when you find yourself in the middle of a stressful situation or need to have a quick dose of empowerment, be your own best advocate. Write a list of things you like about yourself. It may seem silly, but it does wonders when your mind won’t let you think positively and when you need an extra boost to your workday.

“Me” Time

Taking time for yourself is sometimes easier said than done. It’s challenging to carve out time for yourself during your most busy weeks, but if you give yourself at least 30 minutes, you will reap the rewards. Read for pleasure, take a walk without looking at your phone, have dinner with a friend. You can spend “me” time with others or by yourself. Do what helps you recharge.


The Internet is a black hole, and I’ll bet the majority of us spend way too much time surfing the Internet on any given day, especially if we have jobs that place us behind a computer or web-connected device. If you’re losing precious time, do a time-management inventory. You could do something minor, like placing your phone face down when you need to concentrate, or something more streamlined, like using an app like Space to track your phone usage every day.


Honesty is the best policy, ESPECIALLY when it comes to being honest with yourself. If you’re burying your true feelings, it could be hard to feel empowered. You may deal with confusion or other emotions that cloud your true path. If there’s something you need to improve in your work flow or personal life, be honest about the cause and its effects. Take the necessary steps to make some changes. On the flip side, be sure to pat yourself on the back when you do something great, too!


Talking with others can boost your confidence and sense of general empowerment. Attending networking events, belonging to a professional organization or talking with a confidante can help you formulate a new affirmation or reassure yourself you’re on your best path. There’s nothing like learning something new or meeting a new contact to give you that extra boost you need to achieve a goal or get something done.

Engage Passions

It’s vital to pursue your passions to help strengthen your self-love. Nurturing what you love and devoting time to it gives you confidence. Go on a date with yourself! That could be staying in binge-watching Netflix shows and eating pizza or scheduling a day to go shopping for some new clothes in your power color. Do what makes you happy.

Life Bucket List

Working toward your life goals can help you feel empowered. When you plan a trip to your favorite city and then pay for a hotel room and plan visits to attractions,  it becomes real. It can give you an additional boost of positivity when you need it the most. Making and executing a plan allows you to achieve the reality of your daydreams.

Fake It (Until You Make It)

There will be times you feel under the weather or less-than-confident. I’m not advocating for you to be a fake person, but channeling your inner girlboss can help you in myriad ways -- even when you aren’t feeling 100 percent. If there’s some small part of you that believes that “you can do it,” then you can! Don’t wait until you’re ready. Go ahead and take the jump, and your confidence will follow you on your journey.

Please note: These blog posts will not be clinical, although we will provide symptoms and other information. These posts are based on my experiences with anxiety and mental health in general.

If you or someone you know needs help, visit a website like Mental Health America to learn more.

Mental Health Moments blog posts are every other Tuesday of the month. Our CEO and contributors highlight what it's like to live with a mental health disorder and continue to fight the stigma through storytelling.

Copyright © MMXVIII Hourglass Media, LLC

Kaylin R. Staten, APR is an award-winning public relations practitioner and writer. She owns Hourglass Media, a consulting company based in Huntington, WV.

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