Posts tagged achievement addiction
Musings From Someone Addicted to Achievement

Not too long ago, I decided to break up with achievement addiction. In the second episode of The Wholeheartedly Podcast, I take a deeper dive into achievement addiction. I talk about how toxic positivity and other factors contributed to my plummeting self-worth and other negative factors. I define achievement addiction and discuss ways that help me move past negativity in order to harbor contentment.

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Mental Health Moments: How to Remedy Achievement Addiction

In America, we are praised for our achievements. If we aren’t achieving, then latency will envelop everything we have accomplished. Somehow, we think each achievement will wash away into the past, with nothing to show for it in the present and future. It doesn’t matter if we achieved something five minutes ago. Instead of relishing the moment, we look toward what we hope will occur. In essence, achievement addicts are never satisfied with a state of being. Here are three remedies that can ease the anxiety caused by achievement addiction.

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