Posts tagged curated imperfection
Mental Health Moments: The Damaging Effects of Curated Imperfection

This week, I wanted to talk about my own foray into curated imperfection in this blog post in order to shed light on how I was duped into believing in these tactics. Here are some ways curated imperfection can cause more harm than good to our mental health.⁠

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Ways To Eliminate Toxic Positivity

You’ve seen that crazy-in-love couple on your social media newsfeeds who always post about how great their S.O. is. They may even have a combined Facebook account. You see influencers on exotic vacations, using expensive products, and collaborating in dream partnerships. You see the milestones, success stories, smiling selfies, and inspirational quotes; however, what you don’t always see are the hardships, missed opportunities, regrets, and other negative emotions. Even if you’re not in an MLM, how can you live a more authentic life and then portray that in your real and digital lives?

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