Goal Setting for a New Decade

By Kaylin R. Staten

I know you haven’t missed this semi-breaking news: It’s the beginning of a new decade.

Do you have a full-fledged plan or are you trying to figure out what you want out of this next 10 years? If you’re anything like me, you’re probably a mix between the two. There are several things I am clear about, such as where I was Hourglass Media to go within this span of time. On some personal aspects, however, I am not so clear. (Planning everything in great detail would be boring, would it not, my fellow perfectionists?)

Here are some ways you can start setting goals for this new decade:

Decide what you really want. 

In last week’s blog post, I talked about how you can organize your goals. Make a master list of what you would like to achieve, reflect on your previous year, notice themes that arise, and put timeframes on the goals. When you have a general idea of what you hope to achieve, then your dreams become more of a tangible reality on paper. You don’t have to spin your wheels -- you know where you want to go and have an idea on what it could take to get there.

Utilize SMART Objectives.

I use SMART Objectives in my role as Hourglass Media CEO and a public relations practitioner. I am beyond obsessed with the differences between goals and objectives. Goals are more broad-based, your macro-lens picture of where you would like to go. Objectives are more deeply rooted in the actions it will take to get there in a more micro and detailed approach. SMART Objectives are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timebound.

So, here’s one way to look at a goal versus an objective: 

  • GOAL: To gain more money as a company

  • OBJECTIVE: To increase product sales within the Introverted Media Darling community by 50% by the end of 2020.

Don’t focus on too many things at once but focus on more than one thing.

As an overachiever, I am guilty of trying to do too many things at once. I have too many irons in the fire, and then, I wonder why I feel overwhelmed or do not have enough time to actually carry out these objectives. It’s because I am focusing on WAY too many things! Try focusing on 1-3 things at a time. I disagree with certain “famous” life coaches and influencers who say not to focus on more than one thing. (These people have entire teams to do the “other” work they are not focusing on.) I think people are multi-facted, and that idea is very constraining. I happen to not like to feel boxed in, so I focus on up to three things at a time. This could be anything from increasing sales for my company, trying a new meal plan, and working on that still-elusive novel that I WILL send out to publishers this year. I also write down my “3 Priorities” for each day, which helps me stay on target and ensure that the most important work is getting done. 

Don’t get caught up with the allure of what is “new.” 

It’s so alluring and tempting to get caught in the magical web of dreams and goals; however, these temptations often cause us to drift away from our purpose and the goals and objectives we set from the beginning. Certain tactics will be shiny, bright objects, but make sure they tie into what you want to achieve and aren’t just a distraction. Trust me, I have fallen into this trap many a time, but as you improve your purpose-driven company goals, objectives, and practices, you will be able to easily spot these distractions. A new social media platform? Great -- does it reach the target audiences I am currently reaching, and could it potentially open up a new segment? If not, weigh the pros and cons in terms of your time management. If you’re a solopreneur or small business owner, you most likely do not have time for that!


Kaylin R. Staten, APR, is an award-winning public relations practitioner and writer based in Huntington, WV with nearly 16 years of professional communications experience. As CEO and founder of Hourglass Media, she uses her compassionate spirit and expertise to delve into the heart of clients’ stories. She is a recovering perfectionist, mental health advocate, wife, cat mom and Leia Organa aficionado. Connect with Kaylin on LinkedIn.


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