Five Ways To Celebrate Your Introverted Self

By Kaylin R. Staten

Happy National Introvert Day to all of the fellow introverted and ambiverted folks out there! And HAPPY 2020!

I’ve leaned more toward the introverted side since I was a child. I would look to my parents when a waiter asked me what I wanted to eat. They would order for me as I would avert my eyes and focus on my coloring sheet. In college, I made myself sick for days before a presentation. I would use my Olivia Benson Fearlessness necklace to help boost my confidence and remind myself to channel my inner fearless #girlboss. I’ve agonized over live news appearances and meetings in which I had to insert a conflict in a pipe dream. (Guys, PR is about being honest in an 11th-hour situation.) 

My free guidebook, 10 Ways To Launch Yourself Past Your Comfort Zones As A Communications Pro, will give you tangible ways to embrace your inner and outer introvert. I use this tips every single day of my life. I use them when I feel on top of my game, and I use them when I look up from rock bottom. Regardless, my methods stay the same. 

I’m incredibly passionate about helping other introverts lock in to what makes you the best personal and professional versions of you. So, how can you celebrate the introvert inside you? Here are five ways you can use introversion to your advantage:

I allow myself to ease into my mornings doing something I love. 

Ideally, I like to use the first hour of the day to focus on something I love. As many of you may know, my mission in life is to: Live what I love, despite fear (reworded and streamlined for my 2020-and-beyond focus). So, I love waking up slowly by journaling, reading, talking to my cats, doing less-intensive yoga, drinking some coffee from my French press, you name it. Now, reality doesn’t allow me to do this most of the time. When life gets in the way, I still make sure to do something during the day that I love, even if that means mobile-ordering Dunkin’, wearing a new pair of earrings, wearing red lipstick, and so on. Aesthetics matter to me, and it’s a staple introverted trait. So, I use it to my advantage on relaxed and busy days.

I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I use that to help me form the direction of my company and life.

I have resisted my emotional side for most of my life. Instead of leaning into the positive attributes, I have wrecked my self-esteem by focusing on negative thought patterns and unhelpful advice from others. Wearing your heart on your sleeve is a superpower, especially in a creative industry. Specifically, as a writer, I use observations, experiences, thoughts, and feelings to craft a storyline that will resonate with people. In 2019, I wrote an article about my miscarriage. This was the most traumatizing thing that has ever happened in my life, but I knew I wanted to take my broken heart and my child’s legacy to help others. 

I work from home, and it’s magical. There’s coffee and kittens.

Well, it’s magical most of the time, unless I get stressed about a messy house and if my cats are misbehaving. I do get to control the everlasting flow of coffee, though, and I set my own schedule based on clients’ needs and wants. Being my own boss is an introvert’s heaven. No more uncomfortable one-on-one evaluations and feeling pressured to suck up to your boss. You ARE the boss, which comes with great responsibility and the emphasis on time management and meeting goals and objectives. But, it’s wonderful to be able to hunker down in silence and actually get meaningful amounts of work done. 

I know how to reach people where they are because I pay attention to their attributes. 

This goes hand in hand with wearing my heart on my sleeve. I pay attention to people. I don’t want to say that I analyze them, but let’s be honest: I do. I can tell through a first impression if I am going to click with someone and if a client is a good fit for my company. I know why people act out (for the most part) and what interests them. This is a valuable trait to have when you’re a communications professional and a small business owner. Plus, this makes you an unmatched gift giver. :) 

I can read books for my job. #dreamlife

Reading and writing make me happy. That is why I chose such a writing- and reading-centric career. I’m always reading to learn new things, and I write every day of my life. To be able to be PAID for writing is a dream come true. 

Read more on how to lean into your personality as an Introverted Media Darling.


Kaylin R. Staten, APR, is an award-winning public relations practitioner and writer based in Huntington, WV with nearly 16 years of professional communications experience. As CEO and founder of Hourglass Media, she uses her compassionate spirit and expertise to delve into the heart of clients’ stories. She is a recovering perfectionist, mental health advocate, wife, cat mom and Leia Organa aficionado. Connect with Kaylin on LinkedIn.