Posts in Health and Wellness
Mental Health Moments: The Fear of Turning 30

Turning the Big 3-0 can be one of the most daunting milestones to face, especially when you’ve spent the majority of your 20s trying to avoid aging like the plague. You buy Olay face cream, take multivitamins and spend time, money and energy doing other proactive, preventive measures to develop your own Fountain of Youth. But, guess what? 30 still hits you like a ton of bricks -- or my preference, glitter.

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Mental Health Moments: What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

The Mental Health First Aid USA manual states approximately 18 percent of the U.S. adult population experiences an anxiety disorder every year. Like many mental health disorders, onset can occur in childhood, adolescence and/or early adulthood. The median age of onset for many anxiety disorders is age 11 and can be behavioral, psychological, and physical. Generalized Anxiety Disorder affects 3.1 percent of adults with an anxiety disorder.

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Mental Health Moments: My Road to Grief Acceptance

I’m of the opinion that you never fully get over the loss of someone you love. The grieving process takes different forms over time, and I have reached the final level of acceptance; however, that doesn’t mean I still don’t break down over a smell, a photograph, a piece of her kitchen wallpaper in the cabinet I know have that was once hers. I do know that I have to move on without her while also keeping her legacy alive for generations to come. I resolved to come up with ways to manage my grief, like writing stories about her, creating an heirloom cookbook and being comforted by using her dishes in my house.

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Mental Health Moments: The Birth of My Perfectionism

Every other Tuesday each month, we will focus on #MentalHealthMoments. We’ll explain what mental health means to us, ways to deal with certain types of anxieties and more. Keep in mind that what works for me and other contributors may not work for you. The wonderful thing about life is that we are all wonderfully unique. As a company, we are here to fight mental health stigma. As a person, I’m here to share my story to help others. As a “Recovering Perfectionist,” this is my story. So, in this introductory post, here’s the story I wrote to introduce the Birth of My Perfectionism.

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Creating Your Own Monthly Healthy Habits

At the beginning of June, I started adjusting my lifestyle after feeling like crap for too long. I had been working on my mental health, and physical health is interconnected. So, I wanted to take a more holistic approach rather than a Band-Aid fix. I decided to just start counting Weight Watchers points. I’d much rather count to 24 than count out calories by the ingredient. This is what I have learned so far during my journey to a healthier version of me.

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Five Ways to Better Cope With Anxiety

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all remedy for anxiety and other mental health issues. What works for me may not work for you and others. My one hope is that you can glean some sort of working ratio to balance your own life and anxiety. Here are five ways I have managed my anxiety over the last six months.

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The Positive Sides of My Anxiety

This May (and National Mental Health Awareness Month), I finally began telling my authentic story with anxiety and my love/hate relationship with it. All of who have a mental health disorder know the downsides to it. I’ve focused on the negative in order to know where my behaviors and belief systems were born inside my brain. Now, it’s time to acknowledge and celebrate the gifts my anxiety has given me in my almost 30 years on this earth.

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